Birth of the Clinic

Birth of the Clinic: secondary material

There is an excellent discussion of Birth of the CLinic in Peter Miller's
book Domination and Power - a good introduction to FOucault all round -
Routledge, 1986.

Also, Thomas Osborne has written a number of excellent articles on this
text, see in particular

Medicine and epistemology: Michel Foucault's archaeology of clinical
reason, History of teh Human Sciences, 1922, 5, 2, 63 - 93


On anti-medicine and clinical reason in C. Jnes and R. Porter, eds,
Reassessing Foucault, Power, Medicine and the Body, ROutledge, 1994.

There is anotehr key text of Foucault's which is in some ways a
complement to Birth of the Clinic, because it is on the governmental role
of medicice:

The Politics of Health in the Eighteenth Century, in Colin Gordon's
collection: Michel FOucault: Power/Knowledge, Brighton, Harvester, 1980.

If you are reading Foucault for its historical and genealogical force,
and not merely as a work of theory, it is useful I find to read his
account of the birth of the clinical gaze alongside the work of a superb
histrian of medicine and public health, George Rosen.

Also, see:

M. Foucualt, B. Barret-Kriegel, A Thalamy, F. Beguin and B. Fortier, Les
machines a guerir: aux origines de l'hospiatl modern, Paris, Istitute de
'Environment, 1967.

Hope some of this helps.

Nikolas Rose

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