Re: What is Power?

'Intentions' in this sense are attributable to relations of power.
Or to those institutions, arrangements, 'dispotifs' in which relatiosn of
power are concretized. Take the Panopticon: The intentions of those who
invent or build Panopticons (prisons, hospitals, schools) are simply to
control the inhabitants (or clients). But F argues that a number of other
effects are produced by such structures, certain forms of subjectivity,
e.g., the delinquent. Now, presumably, it is not the intention of those
who run our criminal justice system to create delinquents. But we see
(believe, interpret, argue, what have you) that there is nonetheless
an intentional structure imbedded within the system to create delinquents.
(Sorry, used 'imbedded' again') Instead of imbedded, try operative within
the relatiosn of power, or functional, functioning.
In some sense, the subject (rather than the 'self') is more than a heuristic device for F -- he argues that it is quite real, but nonetheless an
effect, a product of power/knowledge relations (DP 29).
If this helps, good. If not press me again and I will try to be



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