Re: Help!!

On Fri, 17 Nov 1995, Ashwin Kumar wrote:

> I am new to the works of Mitchel Foucault and would be most obliged for
> some directions. I intend to do my MA[HONS] thesis on the social
> construction of the body in 1996 as part of my Cultural Studies Degree.
> How could I use the work of MF - in terms of the body? I have read
> "Docile Bodies" (Rabinow:1984) and "History of SEXUALITY" Vols
> 1-3(Foucault:1976,1984,1985). Are there any "good' starter books on
> Foucault's work?
> Regards,
> akumar.

Try Neitzsche, Genealogy, History in the Doucault Reader, some of the
essays in Power/Knowledge.
For secondary works - Judith Butler makes loads of use of Foucault - try
chapter 3 of Gender Trouble. There has been feminist critism the Foucault
ignores sexual difference, these debates are useful ways into his
thinking on the body - there are several anthologies on Focault and
Feminism, and Louis McNay put out a book on Foucault and Feminism (which
is fairly easy but ends up with a dodgy Habamassian position).


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