Re: Megill (was: A Preface to Transgression)

>Doug, I have, over my long inhabitance of the Internet, learned to refrain
>from discussions in which my interlocutor puts me in a position where
>everything I say will just furnish further proof of supposed
>immaturity, brainwashedness, going with fashion, and so on. This is a trap
>out of which there is no way. When I was younger, I didn't see it like that.
>Ah, youth! Where has it gone?

Sorry, can't resist. The implication in this that the writer has seen the
light, undergone the radical religous conversion and is now just too far
above Doug's points to deem them worthy of refutation. Instead of viewing
the questions as traps, I'll like to see them grappled and refuted or
whatever, what I doubt is that it will happen and for reasons nothing to do
with traps but more to do with the inability to grapple with them without
regressing into an extreme form of theory/practice inconsistency. This post
represents a barely concealed retreat under the "guys" of I'm above this.
(Also, there is an inherent ageism which is barely concealed. The older the
wiser I suppose.)



Colin Wight
Department of International Politics
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
SY23 3DA


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