Re: humanism

> Might it not be better to ask Foucault what he meant since, (i) this is a
> foucault list, hence presume Doug's question relates to some general way in
> which Foucault or those influenced by him use the term, and (ii) it is often
> the Foucault industry which claims to have gone beyond humanism and the
> 'subject'.

Well, I would very much like to know both: what Doug means and what Foucault
meant. With Foucault, one can find it out by reading him. But reading
Foucault's remarks on humanism in, say, _What is Enlightment_, doesn't in any
way illuminate for me how Doug uses the term, since Doug seems to assign to
it some kind of primary role as our internal moral guide, which seems to have
very little to do with Foucault's usage.

BTW, where does the term "anti-humanism" come from? Was it coined by


  • Re: humanism
    • From: Doug Henwood
  • Partial thread listing: