Re: more on nasty cyber-nazis

On Fri, 16 May 1997, COLIN WIGHT wrote:

(i paraphrased a nazi document) -
> >"we would never wage war on a non-white
> >nation for political reasons. if we needed land or food for survival,
> >then we would negotiate with non-whites to get those things, or we
> >would acquire them by honorable conquest."
> Oh how nice of them! And you actually believe this do you? What the hell is
> honorable conquest?
> I give up. Sorry, I do. I give up.

colin, your questions made me think and for the most part i thought they
were fair. but this last part was really pretty unfair. did you really
think i was saying i think "honorable conquest" is okay?! i was trying
to make the point that their "values" are nothing new or inconsistent with
other highly regarded cultural texts, like pound's cantos and homer's
odyssey. please, go back and read what i wrote again if you don't
understand that. besides that one part i found your questions valuable
and i sympathize with the concerns behind them.


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