Re: racism & revolution

On Sat, 20 Sep 1997, Colin Wight wrote:

> >Martin Luther King, Ralph Nader, Gore Vidal, Noam Chomsky, Jesse
> >Jackson, Valerie Solanas, Susan Sontag, Camille Paglia, Patti Smith,
> Er, pardon my pedantry, but only tells me who you think is a subversive
> left-liberal, not what one is. I have to say though, Camille Paglia, come on
> do me a favour.
Yes - I have always thought that Camille Paglia was opposed to all that
sort of thing ... in as much as, she urged women on to find power in
themselves, rather than joining any bolshie collectivist-type feminist
group. (This message, by the way is from a bolshie collectivist-type
subversive feminist person) (from Australia)

ditto - "the women's liberation movement" - talk about a whole new bag of
politics, stretching from one end to the next (that is, left to right).

Brigid Venables


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