Re: a student query about power/knowledge

On Sat, 25 Apr 1998, Wayne Pounds wrote:

> A student struggling to write an essay about Foucault writes me as follows:
> How is my essay? I am trapped by Foucault's concept of knowledge. This is
> because I have
> focused on power, and I did not read enough about his argument of
> knowledge and discourse. My arguments about the relationship between
> power and knowledge is, therefore, quite confusing.
> Could anyone offer a few concrete pointers (specific works and page numbers)
> to help her? Thank you!
> Wayne Pounds

See _Discipline and Punish_ right around 17-30. This is also reproduced in
part in _The Foucault Reader_, 170-178.

See "Prison Talk" in _Power/Knowledge_, 51-52

"The Concern for Truth," in _Politics, Philosophy, Culture_, pp. 264-265

If you can find a copy, see "Power and Norm: Notes" in _Power, Truth, and

See also the section on "method" in _History of Sexuality, Vol. 1_,
beginning around p. 93.

< John S. Ransom, Political Science; Denny 107; 245-1716 <
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