Re: reification, agency

In response to Henry and Peter,

'There is a THEY who tell people to do things in accordance with the
signals from "the market". "the market" that launches these signals is,
however, not a THEY, but certainly a reification. No THEY starts the
markets and no THEY keeps it going on. Certain THEY use the market for
THEIR purposes.'

I'm not sure about these signals. Smoke signals, yes. they mean what you
want them to mean.

A strawberry grower once explained to me about market signals.
If the market is good, obviously you plant more strawberries - market
says so, by the price-message.

If the market is down - you plant more strawberries. Every body else
will pull out, so the price will go up next year.

More seriously , refer to an article on the messages of the money market
according to NZgovt experience, written by Jan Whitwell. This stuff
about market signals is unproven. There is no delivery system. And often
there is no translation system. so the govt has to use very crude
messages (concealed as market messages), like put up interest rates on
mortgages and (mortgage-paying) people will stop buying stuff therefore
inflation will come down. Put up interest rates on 90-day bills and
businesses will stop borrowing - employment and wages will come down.

There is a 'they'. The market is an illusion. We have not yet cut off
the king's head.


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