Re: reification, agency

On Sun, 7 Jun 1998, na.devine wrote:

> In reply to M.A.King, I don't think at all that neo-liberal governments
> govern by not governming. Quite the contrary. They are most active in
> government. but the appeararance of non-government is essential to their
> project. If you think of government as something more than the 'system'
> - as indeed 'dispositif' then the apparatus of govt in neo-liberal govt
> includes business and the reconstruction of the subject as well - hardly
> not governing.

That was exactly my point. Put scare quotes around "not governing", if
that makes it clearer.

----Matthew A. King------Department of Philosophy------McMaster University----
"The border is often narrow between a permanent temptation to commit
suicide and the birth of a certain form of political consciousness."
-----------------------------(Michel Foucault)--------------------------------

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