'Il faut defendre la societe'

Clare (and more generally, anyone else interested),

>Stuart mentions
>>'Il faut defendre la societe', Paris: Gallimard/Seuil, 1997.
>What is this text? I'm presuming it is a collection of Foucault's work? Is
>it stuff additional to what is included in the _Dits et Ecrits_ volumes? I
>note there is a short text of the same name dated 1976 in the _Dits et
>Ecrits_ volumes

It's the first official publication from Foucault's lectures at the College
de France. This the course from 75-76, and the others are forthcoming.
Apparently some of his courses at other universities will be published as
well - the one I know of is on Nietzsche from Vincennes (I think). The text
you refer to in Dits et Ecrits is the course summary, and the first two
lectures are the 'Two Lectures' in Power/Knowledge & Dits et Ecrits. But
most of the text is additional to what is in Dits et Ecrits.

The course summary gives you a good idea of what Foucault talked about, but
it's a useful discussion of state power, govermentality, Clausewitz, Hobbes,
Boulainvilliers, racism, fascism, war, power, etc - several of the issues
discussed recently on this list.

I know of no plans for English translations, but given the mess they have
made over translating Dits et Ecrits - which is truly appalling - I wouldn't
hold your breath.



Stuart Elden
Department of Government
Brunel University, UK

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