Re: Zero-tolerance policing and governmentality

Surely zero tolerance marks a shift away from govrnmental approaches as
Foucault set them out? He pointed out how involving individuals in their=

own government was more effective than brute force and coercion. Zero
tolerance doesn't try to involve target populations in their government: =
acts upon them to exclude them - often using force.

Maybe governmentality is a product of a modernist mind set which is now -=

for many reasons- changing. The politics of governmentality theoretically=

dealt with individuals as citizens - the population as resource? Today's=

zero-tolerated groups aren't wanted! No need to incorporate them back in=
society. This chimes with Bauman;s argument that in post modern society
there are the seduced and the repressed: those who can take part in a
market society and those who can't.

Mark =

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