Re: Foucault and the Body

James says >

>I know "body criticism," "on the body" stuff is hot right now, but I think
>Foucault is the wrong person to use along these lines if you want to
>develop an argument pertaining to contemporary culture in America. We
>are, to say the least, more "body conscious" than ever, but what amazes me
>is how far it seems people have internalized ideals of fitness, trimness,
>buffness, what have you, with nary a threat of actual punishment a la
>Foucault's poor condemned executees.

A lot of people use Foucault's work on sexuality and technologies of the
self to discuss precisely these kind of issues. There is a lot of work
being done on body image and 'healthy bodies' using Foucault's ideas.


Clare O'Farrell
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