Re: Schools and Foucault


As a doctoral student, I can't help but to press on, given the context and
participants. :)

Several questions, in light of Thomas Popkewitz's framework:

1. "Reform is a word concerned with the mobilization of publics and with
power relations in defining public space." (Popkewitz 1991:p1)

2. "School reform is a history of the changing relations of the nexus of
knowledge/power that ties individuals to problems of governance."
(Popkewitz 199:p42)

3. "Pedagogy has the dual quality of social regulation and recognition of
the socially constructed potential of human capacities." (Popkewitz

Q: How do we understand the role of "research" in the conventional,
endlessly Crisis-driven Reform Arena? Are new spaces and Tribunals of
Rationality (Latour) emerging?

Q: What "publics" are made possible by conventional reform discourse, and
what mechanisms come to be "effective" for them? Who/What is excluded?

Q: Is there, and will there be a Teaching Profession outside of labor
organizing within the existing system?

Q: How do we define "democratic" moments and processes, within the overall
educational system (including both public/private institutions, and a
larger set of medias and reproductive mechanism)? What role does
"consensus" formation have?

Q: In the US, how do we engage the conversation regarding Equal Opportunity?

I am convinced that these questions each involve tensions around
"governance," and that further reflection on social epistemology
(methodology) is needed. I'm struggling with this...

Really hoping for conversation, if not some informal musing,

Partial thread listing: