
We are all Crucified on war machines. How does one write oneselves
out of them ...?? where there is a voice, a blood...

Whatis really terrible is that Europe waited so long to do
something about this monster in Serbia. As thousands pour away fromtheir
homes and the potential extermination. One terrible image which I just
saw on thenwews reminded me of the holocaust. A train was let into
Serbia. It was filled with refugees from Kosovo. They were let in to
Macedonia for a few minutes; it was surrounded by their police army and
sealed off. One woman came to give them the refugees a bottle of water.
Then the same refugees were sent back to Kosovo where the Serbian
soldiers arekilling . I watched this a few minutes ago on the news. itwas
awful chilling andbrought tears to my eyes. I wish I could go an join
the soldiers and fight these evil bastards who are killing innocent
people in the thousands. Humanity is a maniac. It ishas been this way for
so long that Europe is afraid to stand up and fight these maniacs. Europe
and America have become so afraid to stand up and fight and lose soldiers
that soldiers dont have meaning anylonger. That civilians and millions
more will die again and again before jets go and bomb. This serbian is a
maniac. The world, well, what does one say about the world. I only hope an
pray that Europe Nato and America get the courage, and my own country too
to go there with ground troops and beat this bastard out and all his
gangster armies and police terrorist squads and for once make some
semblance of democracy there. Make an example that the west is not
tottally absent of courage and not afraid to lose lives -- soldiers,
military men and women too if they want, to prove that it is worth while
to live and To die too,, yes, for something important to die for life and
to fight for life to save the thousands of innocents and to make a
meaning of our words and countries or else everything is a joke and
meaningless and that when the time comes when they willbe "ethnically
cleansed" No soldiers will come to help them and save them from the
murderers and massacrers . Because if we dont take action then we are
all victims and we will we all be gravy for the maniacs when they come to
our houses and cities and villages.

And I include my own country in this. I say we have all waited too long
for the maniac in Serbia like we have waited and continue to wait for the
others. Like Pinochet. What acomprise is politics we all know. However
how long does one compomise before the thousands and perhaps the millions
will be massacred and slaughtered? What I think is this: Give a few days
and send thousands of air-borne parachuting men there , like world war 2
and fight this serbian army directly and punish them for doing what they
are doing to thousands and thousnads of men women and children. Sometimes
a line must be drawn to make justice work. If not,, then we too,, all of
us perhaps will be one day be abandoned as some other gangsters come to
kill us all and our cities and villages. the world the world is filled
with injustices, but must Europeans and Americans keep sitting still and
waiting until it is too late before taking action??
I saw the photos of serbian peoples smashing stores of american
businesses in Belgrade. They are fools. It is themselves they smash.
theyshowed them having rock and roll concerts saying We are Victims...
yes, no doubt some are. yes, they are the victims of their own smug
passive fascism. Theyhave brought this on themselves. And they are only
lucky yet that no war no great war has begun again to make them really
suffer as others are suffering. I hate war, andI hate violence. But you
know when I see what is happening yes, my heart is outraged and I wish we
could make war against those evil people who hate and kill anyone who is
not like them.
the world was made, if indeed it was made, it is here for
everyone. and until we all learn that lesson, then we will keep on killing
and slaughtering each other until the end of the world. In Sudan I
hear of other terrible atrocities goiing on. This planet is a
slaughterhouse and we need courage to change it.
Maybe I
will join the army. No, I cant I am too 'old' but perhaps I will go and
start working for justice again in some way. somewhere. Here int he city.
How to spread love and some understanding amongst us human beings who are
iosick with memories of hatreds that go back centuries. We need to change
our memories and learn new ones. Last night I did a class I was presenting
about a poet who died at 26 in WW1. It was quite a war that one. All war
is terrible. 'A terrible beauty is born' wrote the Irish poet Yeats on
Easter of 1916 during the uprising that made Ireland the country it was to
become free of England. yet that war is not over yet.
Maybe if humanity could not see war would end.
Be safe and love humanity in every way possible. It needs our love and
outrage and justice.

Maybe. But how do love and war cross? Cross the currents of death
and love. Hundreds of thousands on the move.

What it to old to die, if there is nothing left to believe in,
nothing left to live for, and die for?

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