the bible and "truth"

I was curious as to what Greek word was used for "truth" in the Bible's
original translations.. I know the first enscriptions were in Greek, Hebrew
and Latin. Heidegger points out how a major turn in Western ontological
thinking was when the Romans translated "aletheia" into "veritas". I know
that came later, but I was still wondering as to what Greek and/or Latin
and/or Hebrew word is used.

thanks in advance


"If at the base there has not been the work of thought...we know that
[reform] will be swamped, digested by modes of behavior and institutions
that will always be the same."
-Michel Foucault, _Liberation_ interview, May 1981

"[H]umanism...presents a certain form of our ethics as a universal model for
any kind of freedom...[T]here are more secrets, more possible freedoms, and
more inventions in our future than we can imagine in humanism as it is
dogmatically represented on every side of the political reainbow: the Left,
the Center, the Right."

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