Re: Deviants and the State

molar means Big teeth -- ie. that which Bites -- it bites the tiny thousand
Sexes all the cuntscocks which get castrated by Big Molar Motherfuckers All
the Filthy Oedipii eating the shit shitting it out and eat the vomit of the
shitipolis. so then the Minority the flapping penises and rattling clitorie
are damaged and gllued to the cementhalls of InstiTutional Superego Murder
then the threshold is Blown to Shit as the Monsters Kills. !!the
motherfuckers and PapaMurder Laius which is the same as Lacan chew our asses
and spit us to shite and puke on our guts : BWO paranoia it is not so
ComPlicated as that ; its fold shit and iz no f--ing go--d. as the
motherOedpiss eats us the Big Maw as once said it genesises us to shit and
chopped up cocks are killed for cunting in the spring of their sorority and
genius Motherfuckers!!! I shit on their FaCES!! iN REVENgen!! I am the Sword
of Damocles!!!
their is the fucking honour of solong a life ossurary of deathbones rattle.

I Love you very much. I kiss your brains and bodywith and without organs.

>From: Shane McGrath <jesuspaghetti@xxxxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: deleuze-guattari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: deleuze-guattari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Deviants and the State
>Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 19:29:45 +1000 (EST)
> hey kids,
>i'm doing honours on national borders, sex and
>stateless people (yeah yeah whatever) and i'm halfway
>well-read d&g-wise but there's still heaps i don't
>know. so i was wondering if somebody could help me...
>in massumi's user's guide, he writes that "every
>formation is defined by thresholds of movement beyond
>which... it ceases to be itself." i'm with him so far.
>then he says that one of the two big limits of the
>liberal nation-state is "molar humanity", and that the
>state is "stretched to [the] limit when confronted by
>sexual minorities". (all on page 126.)
>so what's the big deal about sexual minorities? i
>don't follow his argument here - what's the privileged
>movement beyond molarity sexual minorities effect?
>(also i'm not clear why "molar humanity" is actually a
>limit for neoliberal states, but i'm willing to let
>that one ride...)
>any help very welcome,
>"the liberal nation-state has two such limits: molar
>humanity ability to find an intergative response to
>perception of the outside is stretched to the limit
>when confronted by sexual minorities...
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