Re: reading chronologically

Olá, Carlos,

há também uma lista brasileira sobre Foucault, Deleuze e Guattari. Estão todos convidados e informações podem ser encontradas em

um abraço,


Carlinhos Puig <carlinhospu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Well, I´m glad to see that here in Brazil we apparently have a good list of
Foucault´s works translated to Portuguese (brasilian).

I decided to start with the History of madness (sorry if I do translate the
title wrongly), and I can describe a similar enthusiasm, although it took me
some time to complete the reading. Now I´m finishing the History of the
clinic, and will follow with I, Pierre Riviere...

Maybe it makes no sense in reading Foucault chronologically. So, as a
beginner, I ask for help on that. If there would be another interesting way
of aprouching his works.

Carlos F. Puig

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