(More questions on) power-knowledge


Thanks for your answer... but it leaves me with doubts that I'll try to sum up
very fast in a simple question. In your answer to me (see quote below), you
report that Foucault has said that governmentality is a superior grid of
analysis than that of power-knowledge (I leave aside his comments on the
superiority of the power-knowledge grid over that of ideology for I agree and
understand). The fact that I always thought of governmentality as a specific
form of power-knowledge relations makes me want to ask that question: did he
say why he thought it was superior or do you have leads towards a possible
answer or - even better - an answer?

Of course, my question is adressed to all the list members...


"J'espere que ceci est plus clair! F a dit a peu pres que la gouvernementalite
etait aussi nettement superieure comme grille d'analyse a celle en termes de
pouvoir-savoir, qu'avait ete celle-ci comme avancee sur la theorie

Partial thread listing: