Re: Governmentality

1977-1978:pastoralism is a significant topic of "sécurité, territoire,
population". It runs from feb 8 to march 8, or from p 127 to p. 241.
Quite a walk. Just published in french (Hautes Etudes- Gallimard-Le
seuil). i'm afraid you 'll have to wait a bit if you dont reach to it as
The most significative piece, the 1980-81 course on "Subjectivité et
verité" is yet to come, and who knows what this means.
meantime "mal faire dire vrai"- fonctions de l'aveu (Louvain University-
1981), which, I think is not included in Dits Ecrits, is probably one of
the most important accessible(not easily) pieces on monasticism. I read
a transcript of it at the Foucault center (Paris) some twelve years
ago... or was it a tape? Anyway it is at least there.

Heidi Rimke a écrit:

>definitely look at omnes et singulatim in the tanner lectures
>On Fri, 8 Oct 2004, Cory Wimberly wrote:
>>I have been following the discussion on governmentality closely. I was
>>wondering if anyone could give me a place to look where Foucault might cover
>>the Christian pastoral. His work on monasticism is mainly implied and
>>unpublished (even in the unpublished work at the archives it seems). I
>>would like to persue the connections between bio-power and the pastoral.
>>Please let me know if anyone can direct me,
>>Cory Wimberly
>>MSN Search, le moteur de recherche qui pense comme vous !
>Anarchism is the conscience of the left.

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