Re: [Foucault-L] Foucault and WW2 concentration camps

see chapter 11 of Society must be defended = Cours of 1976 on Fascism (esp. p. 231-232 of French text) the concentration camp as such is not mentioned, but the system of killing is explained
in the interview with Trombadori the concentration camp is discussed see Dits et Ecrits IV p.91
Agamben (Homo Sacer) is of course the book in which the concentration camp is explained in detail as a consequence of biopolitics

machiel karskens

At 10:07 30-11-2006, you wrote:
Did Foucault ever speak *specifically* about the system of concentration
camps established by the Nazisazis during World War2? And if so, where?

It seems like the sort of thing he might have touched on in the 1970s
post-_Discipline & Punish_. But I can't recall anything. Not fascism, mind
you, but concentration or extermination camps *specifically*.

Anyone know of any current scholars/writers that approach the phenomenon of
death camps from a Foucauldian "Discipline & Punish"-ish perpective? Who?

Thanks so much in advance!

-Arthur Zinault
Foucault-L mailing list

Prof. Machiel Karskens
social and political philosophy
Faculty of Philosophy
Radboud University Nijmegen - The Netherlands

[Foucault-L] Foucault and WW2 concentration camps, Arthur Zinault
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