
The problem with a proposition like "Capitalists intend to create wealth
rather than cause poverty" is that it is incomplete. By which I mean:
"Capitalists intend to create wealth FOR WHOM?" Not for the general
population - for themselves. In addition, a total, gross increase in
wealth (expressed as a quantity) has nothing whatever to do with the
actual state of its accumulation and distribution. A gross increase in
wealth can easily take place in a context of increasing impoverishment
for the majority (and, importantly, the very majority who actually
produces the wealth in question). The rich can get richer at a faster
rate than the poor get poorer. The result will be an increase in wealth,
but this does NOT mean that the poor are not getting poorer.

bye. malcolm

"When the proletariat takes power, it may be quite possible that the
proletariat will exert toward the classes over which it has triumphed a
violent, dictatorial, and even bloody power. I can't see what objection
one could make to this."

- MF

  • Re: Capitalism and Justice
    • From: Nicholas Dronen
  • Replies
    Re:, jln
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