
>> Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that there is a limited
>> amount of material goods, that the more some have the less others will
>> have, that capitalism gives more to some and less ot others, upposedly
>> because of a work-ethic and the intention to produce or work harder, and
>> thus poverty will result.
>Both Marx and Deleuze and Guattari, who have at least 3 brain cells
>between them, argue that this "limited amount of material goods" is a
>capitalist construction, not some base on which we construct our
>economic system. "Lack" is produced.

In which case one might be tempted to question the assumption that they did
inded possess three brain cells between them. Still, I'm not even convinced
that this is indeed Marx's position and I can't say too much about Deleuze
and Guattari, but what I can say, is that on their metaphysics, 'lack' is
produced out of a universal desire. And if desire is unable to get what it
wants then it lacks. Unfortunately, however, you can't please all of the
desiring machines all of the time.


"What I try to achieve is the history of the relations which
thought maintains with truth; the history of thought insofar as it is the
thought of truth. All those who say truth does not exist for me are
simple minded."

Colin Wight
Department of International Politics
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
SY23 3DA


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