Re: red faced at social text

For background on this issue, a site with secondary resources is
maintained at:

in addition to Professor Sokal's page at:

Further, if anyone could suggest references on the issue of science
studies, the topic under debate in the issue of social text, I would
greatly appreciate it.

My apologies for the nongermane post. Since a portion of the debate
centers on "Feminist Standpoint Epistemologies" with some grounding in a
Foucaultian analysis, I hope this is of some interest.


Jason Walsh To each his little cross. Till he dies.
University of Washington And is forgotten.
Philosophy --Didi, S. Beckett's _Waiting for Godot_, Act II

On Sun, 9 Jun 1996 sbinkley@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Commrades:
> on an entirely unrelated topic, has anyone kept up with the recent "social
> text" incident, in which a real scientist submitted a bogus paper making a
> parody of a jargon ridden post modern critique of science... and got it
> published? He went public with it a few weeks ago (got on the front page
> of the NY times, no less) and embarassed the hell out of the editorial
> committee.
> I've been in correspondence with him since the incident, and he has sent me
> an address for related articles available on the Web (including the essay
> itself). The address is:
> Is this juicey or what?!?!?!
> okay, back to Foucault and Feminism.
> sb

red faced at social text, sbinkley
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