Re: Information requested

At 09:05 AM 7/24/96 -0400, you wrote:

Sarah - What would you like to talk about? What is your interest in Foucault?

>To all that it concerns,
> As a university student entering my senior year, I have recently been
>introduced to Foucault. When I found this group, I was excited by the prospect
>of discussing his work with others, as I find a lot of Foucault's writing
>rather difficult.
> I am disappointed. The only thing that I have relearned is that people
>have an enormous propensity for being petty, especially when hidden behind an
>e-mail address. I find many of you egotistical and hope that I never come
>across you in the real live academic world.
> If someone would kindly forward me the instructions to unsubscribe, as
>well as any suggestions as to a more stimulating group, I would greatly
>appreciate the effort.
> Sarah Mikulis

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