Re: Foucault Center

Dear Gen,
I worked in the Foucault centre in Paris, so I can provide you with some
information that might be helpful for you. First of all: the Centre does
have an email adress: centre-Michel Foucault@xxxxxxx. Secondly the centre
Michel Foucault is located at the Bibliotheque du Saulchoir, 43 bis, rue
de la Glaciere, 75013 Paris (the person resonsible is Yves Roussel, who
is the president of the centre today).
There were many researchers working
the publication of the Dits et Ecrits, because this was the only place
where you had access to many articles and interviews which are now
included in the edition, but nevertheless there is still some unpublished
material and some (rather unorganized) secondary material on Foucault.
If you want to know something more precise (relating to your research
subject maybe) don't hesitate to contact me...

Foucault Center, Gen Nakayama
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