Re: transgression again

John Ransom wrote:

>No, the obscuring abstract universal is "revolution" or "civil
>disobedience." These terms don't describe what's going on, they evaluate
>what's going on. They color the phenomena.

How are they any different in this regard, except for being more specific
and historically rooted, than "limit" and "transgression"?

And sure, people talk about "revolution" and "civil disobedience" as
abstract concepts, but I'll bet most of the ink spilled on the topics has
been spilled over specific events - the French revo, the Russian revo, the
U.S. civil rights movement, Ghandian resistance, etc. - and not on the
concepts in general. Unlike, dare I say, most of what I've read about
"limit" and "transgression."


  • Re: transgression again
    • From: John Ransom
  • Replies
    Re: transgression again, Doug Henwood
    Re: transgression again, John Ransom
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