> Is there anyone out there who can supply me with some sources from
> Foucault re: his position on power, student/teacher relationships, the
I strongly urge you to read at least one of the following two texts:
1. "Situated Social Power" (or something like that), by Thomas
Wartenburg, in a book he co-edited with someone, possibly Iris Young,
called RETHINKING POWER. I believe it is an excerpt from Wartenburg's
book, THE FORMS OF POWER. This both gives the clearest and most
compelling elucidation of Foucault's conception of power that I have
ever read, and applies it specifically to the teacher/student
relationship, as well as other common power relationships, such as
boss/worker, etc.
2. "Power/Knowledge" by Joseph Rouse, which appears in the CAMBRIDGE
COMPANION TO FOUCAULT, edited by Gary Gutting. This goes over the
same ground, summarizing Wartenburg, and offers a systematic
interpretation of Foucault's views about knowledge in terms of his
account of power.