Re: more on nasty cyber-nazis

>I would have said that Nazism actually exemplifies the tendency of modern
>society to rationalise and bureaucratise power. Look at the way the death
>camps operated: this wasn't a spur of the moment decision - there was a
>vast bureaucratic machine keeping these camps running. True there was a
>charismatic leader - but theoretically the party could have continued
>without Hitler once it had consolidated power.

We have been over this before on the list. Adolph Hitler, did indeed use
modernist technocratic rationalty but he himself was into mysticism and all
that Jazz. I quote:

"We stand at the end of the age of reason. A new era of mystical explanation
of the world is rising".


Colin Wight
Department of International Politics
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
SY23 3DA


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