Re: Adorno Screen Savers

On Wed, 21 May 1997 Lithoi@xxxxxxx wrote:

> In a message dated 97-05-20 23:42:49 EDT, you write:
> << The leap into praxis will not cure thought from resignation as
> long as it is paid for with the secret knowledge that this
> course is simply not the right one. >>
> So, what's that supposed to mean? Really, explain this to an ordinary human
> being. ~~ Lithoi

Part of what we're debating on the list is if Foucualt should be
criticized for allegedly failing to provide the kind of practical and
pragmatic advice to oppositionists that intellectuals are usually charged
with elaborating. Supposed failure to do this leads to a
charge of Foucaultian "silence," or "quietism." Adorno and the Frankfurt
School faced a similar charge in their day; the term Adorno uses for
silence and quietism is "resignation." And I think Adorno's saying that
the problem of resignation/silence/quietism won't be solved by leaping
into the world when such activism must be "paid for with the secret
knowledge that this course is not the right one."


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