Beginners: Trangression

"Longs14255@xxxxxxx" wrote;
> Leonard Bernstein put his finger on it in the Norton Lectures at
> Harvard University in 1973, when he attempted to use linguistics >>>>and the thought of Noam Chomsky to get at the meaning of Charles >>Ives' "The Unanswered Question"....the reconciling of
> tonality in the late 19th century music of Wagner and Mahler, and >>the atonality of Schoenberg and the serialists. I think this is exactly >what Foucault is attempting, and what we all must attempt. The
>difficulty is that Foucault believes he's found it in his "dissipating >>>profanation."

Intersting. What is it, would you say, that Bernstein put his finger on?
How does it relate to Chomsky, Foucault, and this "reconcilliation?"

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