Re: Is French Philosopy a load of old tosh?

>>>>.. The production of the docile body through internalized discipline
>>>>whose emergence Foucault wrote of seems to be becoming a thing
>>>>of the past. Newly respectable racist politics and the triumphant
>>>>bourgeoisie may have made a Foucauldian analysis obsolete in this
>>>>respect. Much has changed since the time when Foucault was
>>>>writing _Discipline and Punish_.

But it's like what Lukacs said about Marx in _History and Class
Consciousness_ (in "What is Marxism?"): the specific points and analyses and
predictions Marx made may end up being superceded, but the *method* of
dialectics is at the heart of Marxism, and so bourgeois critics of Marxism
(and traitors to the cause like Bernstein) are wasting their time when they
tell us that the middle class is growing not shrinking, and so on.

--John Ransom

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