Re: hadot and foucault

M.A. King:

Thanks for the tip. This must be the same commentary by Davidson that appears in
"Foucault and the Writing of History", called "Ethics as Aesthetics: Foucault, the
History of Ethics and Ancient Thought". In this piece davidson tries to deflect
hadot's charge that foucault drastically misread the stoics, insisting that foucault's
objectives were just a little different: on the question of aesthetics, davidson quotes
hadot: "I fear a fear a new form of dandyism, a version for the end of the 20th
century". Davidson counters by distinguishing between; "a way of life and a style of
life", though I haven't quite sorted out the difference between these two yet.


> Maybe you already know this, but there's a (very good) piece by Davidson
> on Foucault and Hadot in the _Cambridge Companion to Foucault_. Davidson
> argues, and I think he's right, that Hadot is mistaken when he claims that
> Foucault's ethics boils down to aesthetics.
> Matthew
> ----Matthew A. King------Department of Philosophy------McMaster University----
> "The border is often narrow between a permanent temptation to commit
> suicide and the birth of a certain form of political consciousness."
> -----------------------------(Michel Foucault)--------------------------------

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