Re: Foucault and the Body

> We
> are, to say the least, more "body conscious" than ever, but what amazes me
> is how far it seems people have internalized ideals of fitness, trimness,
> buffness, what have you, with nary a threat of actual punishment a la
> Foucault's poor condemned executees.

Really? I find myself constantly
bombarded with threats about the bad
health effects of lack of exercise, not
to mention the advertising propoganda
which links all happy social relations
directly to fitness among other things
(e.g. youth, smarts, wealth). Then
there's the actual punishment which
occurs when you switch health insurance
policies and your health record is
reviewed to set your new rate. Tell me
I'm not conscious of that. Tell me I'm
not thinking about it every time I have
to justify going to the gym.

Besides, who said a body had to be
physical. Are you dealing with me right
now as a physical body? Nevertheless, I
have a body in this list. I have
certain capabilities for action (posting
a message, terminating my subscription)
and I can see and not see particular
things. Others (i.e. list
administrators) have greater powers of
action and perception. They are more
"able-bodied", here.

Wynship Hillier, Incorporated
by Wynship Hillier, President

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