Dear Flora
The website is:, but it has been
a while since I tjecked it out. You used to be able to access at least
parts of the resent issue and all of previous issues.
Good luck!
NB: I just viewed the website - it is still possible.
>Thank you very much for the info. One more question. How can I get access=
>the electronic journal, Postmodern Culture? By web.ferret?
>Dep. of English
>Providence University
Morten Ranum
Institut for Historie, Kultur og Samfundsbeskrivelse, Odense Universitet
Institute of History and Western Civilisation, Odense University
Postadresse/mailing adress:
Skydebanegade 26 4 tv
DK-1709 K=F8benhavn V
Tel. (+45) 31 229491 [22.12.98: (+45) 33 229491]
E-mail: ranum@xxxxxxxxxx
The website is:, but it has been
a while since I tjecked it out. You used to be able to access at least
parts of the resent issue and all of previous issues.
Good luck!
NB: I just viewed the website - it is still possible.
>Thank you very much for the info. One more question. How can I get access=
>the electronic journal, Postmodern Culture? By web.ferret?
>Dep. of English
>Providence University
Morten Ranum
Institut for Historie, Kultur og Samfundsbeskrivelse, Odense Universitet
Institute of History and Western Civilisation, Odense University
Postadresse/mailing adress:
Skydebanegade 26 4 tv
DK-1709 K=F8benhavn V
Tel. (+45) 31 229491 [22.12.98: (+45) 33 229491]
E-mail: ranum@xxxxxxxxxx