Re: ADD the new onanism?

It is interesting to note the change (in psycological practice) from
electro-shock therapy to psychoanalysis and, now, chemincal therapy
(pharmacological management). The latter involve continual and on-going
treatment or 'monitoring'. ECT on the otherhand required less monitoring
and generally 'worked' on the basis of one-off treatment. Chemical therapy
is very interesting because not only does it guarantee a normalisation but
it also guarantees the pharmaceutical corporations a source of continuing

At 05:28 1/12/98 PST, you wrote:
>A week ago, a panel of experts met in Washington DC to hammer out a
>consensus on one of the most extraordinary drug phenomena of our
>time--the massive surge in the use of Ritalin to treat children with
>attention deficit disorder and the related attention deficit
>hyperactivity disorder.
>The statistics are staggering. Since 1990, the number of American
>children and adults thought to be taking drugs for these conditions has
>leapt sevenfold and now stands at around 4 million. In some schools, 15
>per cent of children are diagnosed as having ADD or ADHD, and regular
>Ritalin handouts have become a daily feature of classroom life. And
>while other countries have yet to embrace the drug with quite such
>enthusiasm, some are heading the same way. In Britain, the number of
>Ritalin prescriptions is doubling every year.
>Unfortunately, the panel was on a hiding to nothing. For the bleak truth
>is that there is no consensus about Ritalin--nor even about the clinical
>validity of the conditions it is prescribed for. Ask a dozen
>psychiatrists and you'll get a dozen different opinions about the
>Ritalin explosion and sharply contrasting views on whether the drug is
>being prescribed too freely.
>Search the Internet and you'll come across thousands of sites offering
>parents and teachers conflicting advice. Newspaper and magazine articles
>tell of parents and children whose lives were apparently transformed by
>the drug--as well as other families who fought on without it, and
>eventually saw their seemingly uncontrollable children triumph.
>Feelings run high, but solid, unequivocal data that can cut through the
>mass of personal testimony and prejudice are few and far between.
>Ritalin is, after all, an amphetamine-like stimulant which can be abused
>at high doses. And despite decades of research, nobody really
>understands what causes ADD or ADHD. There are some results that suggest
>certain genes may predispose children to the conditions, but the link is
>far from conclusive. And while brain imaging studies indicate that
>children with ADHD may have sluggish frontal lobes, this does not help
>much because frontal lobes are involved in so many aspects of behaviour
>and learning.
>As a result, we are left without blood tests or brain scans that can
>provide unequivocal evidence. Diagnosis must rely entirely on
>assessments of behaviour. And the problem here is that many of the
>symptoms--such as restlessness and impulsiveness--are found to some
>extent in all young children.
>What makes the explosive growth in the use of Ritalin even more
>problematic is that while the drug clearly calms hyperactive children
>down and makes them easier to deal with, there is no evidence that it
>helps them achieve more at school. In studies that monitored children in
>the US for up to 14 months, for example, the drug made little or no
>difference to either academic performance or social skills.
>Such findings will be grist to the mill for Ritalin's gainsayers, who
>have long argued that the drug simply makes children docile, while
>creating the risk of long-term damage to brain chemistry. The way they
>see it, the people who really benefit from Ritalin are the teachers,
>parents and other children in the classroom, not the children who are
>actually taking the risks.
>Many critics go further still, arguing that ADD and ADHD are bogus
>conditions that mask emerging cultural problems. Certainly, the world is
>awash with information and distractions for children, and while parents'
>aspirations for their offspring have never been higher, many have little
>time and energy to spend nurturing them. Most children probably have
>fewer opportunities to let off steam than their parents did. And in the
>climate of the past decade, nobody should be surprised if people have
>become more willing to blame emotional problems on brain chemistry and
>genes rather than, say, poor parenting and schooling.
>Such factors may help to explain the suddenness of the ADD epidemic, but
>they cannot be the whole story. A couple of decades ago, many doctors
>were reluctant to accept that young children could suffer from
>depression. Today that view seems absurd.
>Ritalin is not a miracle substance that will transform the fortunes of
>every hyperactive, fidgety kid on the block. But nor is it a crude
>chemical cosh that guilt-ridden parents and teachers are using in place
>of counselling and discipline to control what is really nothing more
>than youthful exuberance and boisterousness. For some children, the drug
>can be a godsend. The problem is knowing which ones to give it to, and
>where to draw the line in doling it out.
> From New Scientist, 28 November 1998
>It seems that the strategic importance of power investing children's
>bodies remains, only the tactics change. I'll expand on this later if
>people are interested.
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