Re: House of Culture

At 11:57 AM 3/5/99 PST, you wrote:
>Could we give it a rest?
Why shouyld we? Because it is out of the text?

I don't see progressivism, either, in the
>paranoiac assumption that all Iran ever does in the West is blow things
Have you been reading ?

>I suggest anyone who wants to help Iran (or, as this petition seems to
>attempt, Canada--whose record for successful diplomacy seems to exceed
>that of the US) would stop polluting the Web with this stuff and engage
>in concrete political and institutional action.

Open to your revolutionary suggeations!
And Ya! the hell with them! those refugees are in Candada! Who cares
after all anyway!! RADICALS don't care about intertnationalism!

>Cyber-democracy is the opiate of the bourgeois liberals. Save room for
>e-porn, which has greater heuristic and social value.

>>From owner-foucault@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Thu Mar 4 20:56:58 1999
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>>From: aoliai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0.2 (32)
>>Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 22:14:34 -0800
>>To: foucault@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>Subject: House of Culture
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>></center>According to The Ottawa Sunday Sun, Feb. 21, 99, The Islamic
>>Republic of Iran(IRI) has purchased a two acres property in Sandy Hill
>>site in Ottawa for $1.6 and is supposed to spend $136000 on renovating
>>it. The Islamic regime bought this property in the name of Fatima
>>Cultural Activities Inc. It also reads that "The sale was cleared by
>>Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade(Canada) because
>>deal involved the Iranian government." The Islamic officials in the
>>Iranian embassy in Ottawa named the center "The House of Culture" which
>>is supposedly to "be used as a social gathering place and educational
>>facility for Iranians who may be feeling homesick."
>>There was a demonstration against this deal in Ottawa by a group of
>>Iranians in Ottawa, who feel that "Cultural Centers that the Iranian
>>regime establishes around the world, are meant for espionage against
>>Iranian dissidents and wherever they are set up, they threaten the
>>security of Iranian dissidents in that city." There is an increasing
>>assertion of concern by the Iranian diaspora in Canada when they are
>>informed of the matter.
>>We, the undersigned groups, think that what is being established here
>>Canada in the name of culture and Iranian community is the outright
>>foundation of an officially backed center for assassinations and spying
>>plots by the Islamic Republic of Iran against its opponents. Given what
>>the widespread exposition of the Islamic regime&rsquo;s terrorist
>>activities in Europe, it is obvious that the regime is attempting to
>>locate its headquarters of terrorism in Canada to act not only in
>>or North America, but across the world. The terrorist activities of the
>>Islamic Republic of Iran against its dissidents abroad are well
>>documented: even the supreme court in Germany convicted the leaders of
>>the regime for assassination of dissidents; and so far over 150 members
>>of various opposition groups, from left to right, have been brutally
>>assassinated by the Islamic agents in supposedly Western "safe
>>and the number is mulltiplied if we add up the people murdered in
>>countries such as Turkey and Iraq by the IRI.
>>Cultural activities are mere pretext to get established within Iranian
>>community, whose members despise the regime for its two decades of
>>repression, execution, torture, stoning and brutality. At the very time
>>when the regime is murdering artists, writers and cultural activists
>>within Iran it is nothing less than farce for Iranian diaspora when
>>heard that the regime is spending two millions dollar for the sake of
>>culture and their being homesick. And this terrorist center is being
>>constructed by the permission of Canadian government whereas it knows
>>the Canadian National newspapers like Globe and Mail and National Post
>>documented in December 98 that the Islamic regime has already sent its
>>well-trained death agents to Canada, one of whom is in Toronto jail at
>>this moment. The Iranian political opponents, immigrant and refugees
>>to Canada for a safe haven and it is their rights to live a life free
>>from the fear of being spied or getting assassinated by the agents of
>>very country they escaped from. We thus warn the Canadian government
>>the penetration of the agents of the IRI will mean loss of security and
>>lives, and if that takes place we will hold the Canadian government
>>We Call on all progressive people and organizations, all those who long
>>for freedom, to condemn the Canadian government and to call for
>>down the "House of Culture" as a place of terrorist activities and
>>by the Islamic Republic of Iran against its opponents.
>>March 1, 1999
>>The International Federation of Iranian Refugees in Canada
>>The Campaign To Defend Women&rsquo;s Rights in Iran-Canada Branch
>></italic>e.m.: aoliai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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