Re: Biopower and genocide

On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Mitch Wilson wrote:

> Can the apparent contradiction between F's concepts of power in D&P
> and HS1 be resolved if we consider the Nazi belief that the genocide
> of the Jew was productive to the Arian?

By now I can barely remember what that contradiction was supposed to be
;). However, if it was a matter of killing being beyond the limits of
Foucauldian power up until the end of HS1 (which, IIRC, it was), then I
think what you say below is right:

> In this perverse reasoning, that power is productive in the mechanisms of
> genocide, death becomes productive as a mechanism and so, since it is
> productive to the Arian nation in shaping its society on the level of
> biology (genetics and the social body), becomes a mechanism of power:
> -- death (of the Jew) becomes productive (to the subjectivity of the Arian,
> who can supposed only exist in true form when genetically pure in a
> complementarly "pure" society).

Right, of course, in genocide, the objects of power (in the Foucauldian
sense) are not the people killed but the people on whose behalf they are
killed (and perhaps also the survivors among the targetted group--see the
Kosovars, who, if perhaps they, some of them, were Yugoslavs before, are
surely Albanians now). So killing the objects of power can remain beyond
the limits....

Matthew, with apologies for taking so long to reply

---Matthew A. King---Department of Philosophy---York University, Toronto---
In my dream I was drowning my sorrows
But my sorrows they learned to swim

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