discourse/art institution

Dear all
I am trying to develop a proposal for research on the discourse on art
in colonial India and post-colonial Pakistan, produced through the
institutionalisation of art educaition. The question that prompted the
research are the following:

How art institution produces discourse on art: how it defines art (by
its currriculum, pedagogy, and evaluations ), and maintains it through a
distinction between art and non-art. Second, how the (art) institutional
discourses interacts with other discourses: of state and culture.

These questions will be read against the history of NCA, its changing
institutional structure from Mayo School of Art (MSA), Lahore (1883) to
National College of Art (NCA) (1958) to see how it is forms and
transforms the discourses on art in Pakistan.

I would appreciate any comments on it, suggestions for further
Focauldian readings, or references to relevant literature on art.


Nadeem Omar
National College of Arts (NCA)

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