Dear Nadime Omar,
There is a book written by Georgina Born, Cambridge University, I dont
have the title correct but something like "Negating Adorno: Rational music.
On Pierre Boulez' IRCAM Centre in Paris". would be worthy a look for you I
Your projects sounds very interresting. Keep up the good work.
Grethe Melby
Dep of Media Studies
University og Bergen, Norway
At 12:37 10.07.99 +0500, you wrote:
>Dear all
>I am trying to develop a proposal for research on the discourse on art
>in colonial India and post-colonial Pakistan, produced through the
>institutionalisation of art educaition. The question that prompted the
>research are the following:
>How art institution produces discourse on art: how it defines art (by
>its currriculum, pedagogy, and evaluations ), and maintains it through a
>distinction between art and non-art. Second, how the (art) institutional
>discourses interacts with other discourses: of state and culture.
>These questions will be read against the history of NCA, its changing
>institutional structure from Mayo School of Art (MSA), Lahore (1883) to
>National College of Art (NCA) (1958) to see how it is forms and
>transforms the discourses on art in Pakistan.
>I would appreciate any comments on it, suggestions for further
>Focauldian readings, or references to relevant literature on art.
>Nadeem Omar
>National College of Arts (NCA)
There is a book written by Georgina Born, Cambridge University, I dont
have the title correct but something like "Negating Adorno: Rational music.
On Pierre Boulez' IRCAM Centre in Paris". would be worthy a look for you I
Your projects sounds very interresting. Keep up the good work.
Grethe Melby
Dep of Media Studies
University og Bergen, Norway
At 12:37 10.07.99 +0500, you wrote:
>Dear all
>I am trying to develop a proposal for research on the discourse on art
>in colonial India and post-colonial Pakistan, produced through the
>institutionalisation of art educaition. The question that prompted the
>research are the following:
>How art institution produces discourse on art: how it defines art (by
>its currriculum, pedagogy, and evaluations ), and maintains it through a
>distinction between art and non-art. Second, how the (art) institutional
>discourses interacts with other discourses: of state and culture.
>These questions will be read against the history of NCA, its changing
>institutional structure from Mayo School of Art (MSA), Lahore (1883) to
>National College of Art (NCA) (1958) to see how it is forms and
>transforms the discourses on art in Pakistan.
>I would appreciate any comments on it, suggestions for further
>Focauldian readings, or references to relevant literature on art.
>Nadeem Omar
>National College of Arts (NCA)