Re: Foucault & resistance

>I am doing a study on the emergence of the present European moratorium
>on approval of genetically modified crops and foods.
>Within a general Foucaultian approach, I am inter alia seeking to
>explore how far Foucault can help in understanding the possibility and
>the techniques of resistance. At this point, I am particularly
>interested in Foucault's notion or rule of the 'tactical polyvalence of
>MY QUESTIONS: 1) Does anyone know of empirical studies applying this
>rule of the tactical polyvalence of discourses?
>2) Does anyone know of empirical studies on social resistance more
>generally using a Foucaultian approach?

I do not have any answers to these questions. What strikes me however, is the incorporation and transformation of Foucauldian notions of resistance and power in this particular context; a context where it is not so clear whatsoever what the dominant discourse is, neither in what semantic fields and discursive practices 'resistance' must be understood here. At least, not clear to me :-)

Wouter Kusters

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