RE: wasting yer re...

I've argued that since waste comes out of an asshole and I'm not an asshole
it follows that nothing that I could ever post anywhere is waste. But, I'm
sure someone will feel like arguing the opposite point of view in response
to this very post. I've always bought the argument that the late Donald
Barthelme, a Houston native, has Doc make in "Snow White". Doc points out
that throughout human history a trend may be noticed if we look at the
processes of production. The ratio of waste product to "useful" product has
been shifting in the direction of greater waste since the earliest times.
This trend has not only continued since the beginning but has accelerated
over time at an exponential rate. Anyone with eyes can see where
civilization as we know it is headed. Total waste uncontaminated by anything
else is the limit point that function approaches ever more closely without
ever reaching (like a rabid bunny chasing the moon perhaps?). Over time, it
is going to become harder and harder to find anything but waste and anyone
who insists on talking about anything other than waste will become more and
more obviously engaged ,as this process continues, in a kind of denial based
in a nostalgic refusal to take the bull by the tail and face squarely into
an unpleasant situation. What the contemporary hour demands and what the
future will demand with ever greater effrontery is an aesthetics of waste, a
morality of waste and even a tribe of evolved bean counters to warn us all
when we are not wasting as efficiently as our competitors. Ladies and
Gentleman, you are reading the future. Ladies and Gentleman, this is waste.
Waste proud and unabashed. Waste which can look you in the eye and say "so
what else is there" secure in the knowledge that the answer to that question
has the elusive sound of one hand clapping or, at very least, the elusive
quality of a needle in an ever expanding hay stack. I've got a well fitting
structural equation model of things in general which predicts that nothing
will mean anything any deeper than a pure and simple snort of derision by
next Tuesday latest. I'm so confident that I've finally had the courage to
toss out that old Ouija board which gave me my start in this biz so many
years ago. I am a scientist at last.

-----Original Message-----
From: charmaine driscoll
To: foucault@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 10/16/01 1:51 AM
Subject: wasting yer re...

Apologies to Mr. Boxer . I misread yer texts. But to the william king
wrote this. I say Phooey. Who defines waste?

why areyou waisting resources by replying to the foucault list.
we dont care. reply tothe sender please.


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