MAAOE03 Abstracts - Reminder - please disregard if already

MAAOE03 Abstracts - Melbourne Australia - 20-22 Oct 03

So far, we have received over 30 abstracts and know of another 15 from North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and Australia.

It was pointed out that there is an inconsistency in the website regarding deadlines for abstracts. One place says 4 May, while the maaoepaperabstract.doc form says 17 May 03. Hence, the deadline has been extended to 17 May.

If you are planning to attend, please help us by getting your abstracts in as soon as possible.

Details are on the website:


Lionel Boxer

Lionel Boxer - 0411267256 - lionel.boxer@xxxxxxxxxxx
Attend MAAOE 03 --- Melbourne --- 20-22 Oct 03
In 1976 Michale Foucualt said: ... terrorism ... has a totally opposite effect which is to make the bourgeois class even more closely attached to its ideology ... (original in French) 'Le Savoir Comme Crime'

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