[Foucault-L] greetings from Poland

Hi to all!

My name's Jacek Kochanowski, I'm PhD, sociologist, I'm working at Warsaw
University and Jagiellonian University in Cracow too. My field is a
gay&lesbian studies, I was published my book about gay's indentity, inspired
by Foucault "Volonte du savoir". I'm a queer theorist too (Judith Butler,
Eve Kosofsky - Sedgwick, Steven Seidman), I love ;) a poststrukturalist
philosophy, eg. Derrida, Deleuze... I would like to organize a foucauldian
congress in Warsaw, next spring. What U think about it?
Best regards!
Jacek Kochanowski
www.kochanowski.edu.pl (in polish yet only)

GIF image

[Foucault-L] Introducing myself and research interests (which bear upon the theme of 'Madness'), michael bibby
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