Re: [Foucault-L] Foucault in schools

Samuel's hint to Foucault's concept of governmentality
is very important, I think,
because here (in his texts from the mid 1970s on) - in
contrast to 'Discipline and Punish' - he made a
distinction between power and domination, and he tried
to theorize the connections between strategies of
domination and power with the production and the
self-production of subjectivities.

All the best,

Samuel G Taylor schrieb:

Good luck on this project, it sounds like you are already headed in a great direction.

About the No Child Left Behind Act, there are a few places where I believe it directly relates to Foucault.
Here is a gNCLB page on safety in schools:
You can find a lot of instances where concerns about drug/alcohol as well as safety leads to a more invasive security appartus at schools. I believe Title IV of the NCLB is a good place to find these provisions.

One of the key components of power become more disciplinary is that it becamse cellular, organic, genetic, and combinatory. You can find all of these elements in the NCLB, explicitly in its concerns about accountability:

It might be interesting to take a look at Governmentality and its relation to the NCLB act. Professor Isin has the best resourece page in the universe on governmentality:

Good luck Marc!
Sam Taylor

Zero B wrote:

Hi, my name is Marc Beerline and I am a senior at TunderRidge High

School, a suburb of Denver. As a graduation requirement, we are required to do a "senior project"; in most cases, this project is a horse-and-show type of project where most students are awarded enthuastic A's for projects like "rebuilding my Mustang". I'm looking to do a Foucaultian critique of the public education system, in particular, the Power/Knowledge relationship within public schools--espeically with the pressures of standardized tests and the No Child Left Behind Act, either that or a cultural critique of American taboo. My only fear, unfortunately is that those on the board will not understand the significance of what I am researching, especially in terms of what the 'standards' of the project itself are. I am also struggling with how I could present this in some sort of presentation with something physcially tangible, as it is a requirement for the project. I do see the irony in my proposal and d!

illema. I
also need help with the specificity with what I am researching and how

I am to go about doing it. Any suggestions would be great. Sorry, that was far from coherent.

Re: [Foucault-L] Foucault in schools, Samuel G Taylor
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