Re: [Foucault-L] Foucault & Proust?

Hi Robert and all,

I love both Foucault and Proust, but I can't see a strong link between their works. In fact, Proust should be seen as someone who exposed a very codified way of live in its hardest aspects. His role in a "social theatre" seems to be a process of subjectivation (in a bad sense, like the "assujetissement" in French.), even if he tries to describe how disgusting men and women can be (Mr de Charlus and Mme de Guermantes are good examples!). I don't see a critique of subject in Proust, at least in the meaning given by Foucault and the post-modern philosophers.

As a Foucaldian and a Proustian, i'll be glad to see this debate going on. Why don't you read the Deleuze book about Proust? It's really wonderful and have deep analysis. The name in French is "Proust et les signes", or something like that.

More ideas?


João Chaves

> Hi,
> I am curious whether anyone has come across comments on / citations of
> Proust / In Search of Lost Time in any of Foucault's texts. I am
> reading Proust for the first time now and would be very interested in
> any takes Foucault might have, esp. in consideration of sexuality in the
> novel. I of course have Deleuze's long essay, and realize F. was much
> less engaged with literature, but would be quite interested to read him
> on ISoLT if he ever touched it, even if only briefly or in passing.
> Thanks a lot.
> Robert, posting for the first time (joined about 2 weeks ago and happy
> to find some activity here!)
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