[Foucault-L] Introduction

Dear all,
I have just subscribed to the Foucault mailing list. I am interested in
Foucault because I am currently writing my MA thesis in political science at
the University of Copenhagen using his methods (archaeology, genealogy, and
problematisation) applied to a "genealogy of cosmopolitanism in Western
political thought". I am particularly focusing on the period of the
Enlightenment in France, and on contemporary theories of cosmopolitanism. I
intend to use my MA thesis for further research in a future PhD in the
"history of political ideas" still on the subject of cosmopolitanism as a
political idea.
I would self assess my knowledge of Foucault's thought as intermediary, i.e.
I have read some articles and some of his works but I am now reading much
more thoroughly with the intent of applying them prosaically in a critical
history of an idea. More specifically I have read the History of madness,
the Birth of the clinic, the Archaeology of knowledge, Discipline and
Punish, and the first two volumes of the History of sexuality as well as the
Order of Discourse and other articles of methodology. I find however his
methods quite difficult to apply, and to understand concretely what I will
constitute as "statement", "sediment", "archive", "discourse", "discursive
field" and so on. I am afraid to make misinterpretations.
I hope I can contribute actively and help other students of Foucault, and
that I will also find a support here.
Have a nice day,

Frank Ejby Poulsen (MPhil, MPA)
Schelleingasse 36 / 615
A-1014 Wien
Tel: (+43 1) 501 52 615

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