[Foucault-L] Maurice Florence

Dear Foucault Listers,

I have read that the self title essay by Foucault, published under the pseudonym of Maurice Florence (EW2: 459-463), was the first of three version of what finally became the ‘Introduction’ to Vol. 2 of the “History of Sexuality:" the second being ‘The Preface to the History of Sexuality, Volume Two’ (EW1: 199-205); and the third being Chapter 1, ‘Modifications,’ of the actual ‘Introduction’ itself (UP: 3-13).

The problem is, whilst I have read this, I have not come upon any actual evidence to support this claim – i.e. those who mention it cite no references.

My question, then, is, firstly, are these text three version of the same introduction; and, secondly, where might I find evidence to support this claim.


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  • Re: [Foucault-L] Maurice Florence
    • From: Timothy O'Leary
  • Partial thread listing: