Re: Re[6]: useful and docile bodies


Bosphorus University is in Istanbul. I also belong to that
University, and I am currently teaching a course on Foucault
I have one addition to make to the Foucault-Marx bibliography:
Francois Ewald's "Anatomie et corps politique" which appeared
in Dec. 1975 in Critique (n.343) but which, unfortunately, has
not been translated into English as far as I know.

Are you sure the distinction between early and late Marx
(between the humanist and the scientist Marx) is really useful
especially in view of the continuities between the almost-never-
read chapters of the German Ideology (the ones on Bauer and
Stirner) and the Grundrisse? Do progressive differences always
imply so sharp breaks as to label people as "early" and "late".

Would you also make distinctions between early Foucault,
middle Foucault (Discipline and Punish and V.I of History of
sexuality) and late Foucault (Vls.II and III of the Hist. of
Sex., "Subject and Power", anything on governmentality, etc).
I think Foucault has done his best to preempt such distinctions
(in the Preface to the Vol. II of the Hist. of Sex. -in both
versions). But I would like to read your and anyone's opinions
on the issue.

Re[6]: useful and docile bodies, Joe Cronin
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