first: about "12 MONKEYS" ET DÉRAISON

i wrote a first draft of the paper. i think it's pretty good.=20
about "la jetee": i did not address it, because it was going to be too
broad, and "12 monkeys" is closer to foucault. but it wasn't an idea of
psychiatry in la jetee, it was the idea of 'reality'.=20
anyway, the paper basically makes the probably ridiculous argument that "12
Monkeys" is a post-modernist update of "Folie et deraison," (or "madness and
civilization," since that's what i read: i don't understand french that
well). at the request of a couple of people, i was going to just put a
couple of passages from it here, but decided, what the hell. here is the
ENTIRE paper, it's titled=20
and listed right after this one. (it reveals a couple of the surprises from
12 monkeys, so you may want to see the film first.)=20
in a couple of days, i will be placing this essay on my webpage, probably
available in both html and ".DOC" format. the address is
i'm not sure specifically where i will put it yet, but the navigation will
be easy, and given from there...=20

feel free to critique severely: that's what i want. thanks. i suppose
adoration is acceptable, as well. send responses to this list, or to=20

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